Thursday, June 3, 1993 THE SOCIAL CONTRACT: Negotiators for the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations -- the umbrella group which includes UW's faculty association -- pulled out of the "sectoral table" talks yesterday. Still at that table, at last report, were the government, the leaders of universities and colleges, and representatives of six other employee organizations, including two that represent UW staff. Also at the sectoral table yesterday, the Council of Ontario Universities, representing the management of universities, presented a counter-proposal to the document tabled by the government on Monday. It includes much of the same language, and many of the same suggestions on technical and financial matters, including a plan for each university to trim its payroll through discussions inside the university on pay freezes, days off and other measures. It differs from the government proposal chiefly by putting more stress on university autonomy and on protection of pension funds. Negotiators have been given until 6 p.m. tomorrow to arrive at a "social contract", with the implied threat that there will be legislation if they fail. The government has been threatening layoffs in the civil service if negotiators don't find a way to trim payroll costs without layoffs. In the universities and similar agencies, the more likely outcome is that each university will be told how much it has to save, and left to find its own way. According to a chart presented to UW's board of governors on Tuesday, the "social contract" is likely to mean cuts of about $9 million for this university, on top of $3 million already lost to government expenditure cuts in 1993-94. THAT'S ALL the news, but at least the sun is shining. Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs credmond@watserv1 ext. 3004