Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, April 13, 1994 STATUS OF WOMEN: The report on "The Status of Women at the University of Waterloo", made public yesterday although it was actually completed in December, is now available on UWinfo. You'll find it under the "Events, news, weather" main heading, in a new filespace tentatively titled "Documents FYI". There's also a pointer to it from the Daily Bulletin area, which will be there for a few days. The report was prepared by the Advisory Council on Academic Human Resources in the form of a response to 1992 recommendations in a report done for the Canadian Federation of University Women. They cover a range from child care to faculty promotion, personal safety to degree requirements. WE'RE FIT TO PRINT: The New York Times has a major story on the front page of its business section today about "Canada's technology triangle", the high-tech area of Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge and Guelph. Wes Graham, pioneer (and former dean) of computing at UW, gets much attention, and there's a picture of Savvas Chamberlain of electrical and computer engineering. Of course, the place is called "Waterloo University" throughout, and the reporter misspells "Wilfrid" (as in Laurier). JAPANESE EXCHANGE: Six engineering students who spent an academic term and a work term in Japan are back, and they'll meet today with the three Japanese students who made the trip in the other direction and are still here. All are participants in a healthy exchange program between Waterloo and Japan's Tottori University. A total of 50 Waterloo students have gone to Japan since the exchange started in 1987; six more are there right now. After a term of engineering studies at Tottori, they spend four months working in Japanese industry. The organizer at this end of the exchange, Keith Hipel of the systems design engineering department, has arranged a get-together at 11 this morning in Engineering 2. UTILITY SHUTDOWNS: Heating, ventilation and electrical power -- that includes the juice that keeps computers going, of course -- will be shut down in Environmental Studies I this evening from 6 to 11 p.m. for work on a main breaker, the plant operations department advises. "Some emergency power will be available." Tomorrow, Thursday, Needles Hall will be without ventilation and hot water from 8 to 11 a.m. for annual maintenance work. FINALLY, let's quote John Campbell, president-elect of the Engineering Society, writing in the Iron Warrior the other day: "Here's wishing everybody good luck on your finals, and I hope you enjoy the next 16 months as much as I do. But let's not forget that we're here to learn how to think like engineers. And if all else fails, read the instructions." Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo 888-4567 ext. 3004 credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca