Daily Bulletin, Thursday, February 2, 1995 THE SUN SHINES bright on Groundhog Day, so we can be confident that Waterloo Willie (who lives along the banks of Laurel Creek) will see his shadow when he peeks out of his burrow this morning. Conclusion: six more weeks of no baseball. MARDI GRAS tickets are now available from more than 100 volunteers across campus, says Pat Cunningham of the development office, who's helping to organize the February 17 event for the Community Campaign. "Look for the bright pink sign," she says, noting that Mardi Gras raffle prizes include a trip to Las Vegas, an excursion to Montreal and a Toronto weekend. Says Cunningham: "We are still accepting items/talents for the Silent Auction and Wheel of Prizes. We are delighted to have Dr. Downey offer us a first edition of Orwell's Animal Farm and Jim Kalbfleisch promise us a stained glass lampshade. Gail Cuthbert Brandt, on behalf of Renison College, has contributed Renison coffee mugs complete with tickets for meals at the Renison dining room. Four of the six faculty deans have offered us items and we are hopeful the remaining two deans will also. The staff association has generously sent us a beautiful large basket of edible and drinkable goodies." If you have a prize to offer, you can reach Cunningham at ext. 2562 or Judy Mann at ext. 5310. The Mardi Gras party runs from 4:30 to midnight on that Friday, two weeks from tomorrow, in the north campus athletic complex. A NEW PHONE BOOK has hit desktops across campus, and very welcome it is. The previous (blue) campus phone book, dated 1993, predates the arrival of voice mail on campus, and that was an event that led to many, many changes in extension numbers. What's new in the dark-green book, other than the listing of 888-4567 right after 885-1211 as UW's main phone numbers? Well, there's some indication of shrinking resources: the faculty and staff are all listed in 60 pages, down from 62 pages in the previous edition. HAPPENING TODAY: FASS continues in the Humanities Theatre (8 p.m.). "Atomic Improv" are scheduled for a free matinee at the Bombshelter pub at noontime. "Wild T and The Spirit" play Federation Hall tonight. The fine arts film society continues its Taiwanese film festival with "Taipei Story" -- 7 p.m., East Campus Hall room 1219. The Society for Technical Communication presents a free lecture at 7 p.m. under the title "Usabilification". The speaker is Randy Harris of UW's English department, described in the STC announcement as "possessor of many great stories and many great vests" as well as an expert on human-factors analysis of software and documentation. The event takes place in Davis Centre room 1304. Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo 888-4567 ext. 3004 credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca