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Daily Bulletin

University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Monday, June 24, 1996

And the thunder rolls

On another rainy morning, it's a holiday today in those parts of Canada that celebrate "Fete Nationale" more enthusiastically than Canada Day. Today is St. Jean Baptiste Day -- of note because John the Baptist is the traditional patron saint of Canada -- and in Quebec everything from banks to universities will be closed.

In Peterborough, Ontario, some things will be closed for a different reason: the next in the series of "days of protest" organized by labour and social activists, like the one that hit Kitchener-Waterloo in April. Trent University has advised its people along these lines:

Trent employees who want to participate can arrange with their supervisors in advance to take a vacation day, use up accumulated overtime or take an unpaid day off. Those who come to work and find they are delayed by picket lines are advised to remain calm and courteous and allow picketers to convey their message. The university will operate as usual but students and employees should take note that bus service to Trent will be disrupted.

Now, about Canada Day

If you're not marking Fete Nationale (or even if you are, I suppose) you'll be aware that next Monday, July 1, is Canada Day, or Dominion Day for us oldsters, and a holiday. You'll also be aware that, as happens every year, there will be fireworks and other celebrations of the national holiday on UW's north campus.

Details of the program are offered on the Canada Day web pages at http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infoipa/canadaday.html. Of particular interest: the Teddy Bear Picnic, the Children's Mini-Olympics, music by the Beirdo Brothers and the Traces Steel Drum Band (among other performers), and of course the candlelight closing ceremonies and fireworks. Activities run from 4 p.m. till after dark.

"We are still in need of some 200 volunteers for the UW Canada Day Celebrations," writes Jeremy Steffler, the second-year environmental engineering student who's coordinating the hundreds of people needed to make the event a success. Anybody who'd like to get involved can reach him at jr2steff@novice. The rewards: fun, and a T-shirt.

Walking the Web at Waterloo (4)

Towards the bottom of the UWinfo home page is a set of three links labelled "Internet Web/Gopher servers", "starting points", and "search tools". The first of these three goes to a page that's maintained by the UW library Internet Resources Committee, offering various geographical ways of finding the Web server you want, whether it's for the University of Regina, an institution in Belgium, or a corporation in Texas. The emphasis is on universities and libraries.

Watch out for the first link on that page, the list of "W3 Servers" from w3.org -- worldwide central, if there is such a thing, for the World Wide Web. That's a huge list, almost a megabyte, which could be more than your browser will download. Listed right beside it is a smaller "Summary List" and then there are more specialized lists.

A few lines down is a pointer to the Canadian WWW Index, an organized list of Web pages in this country arranged by province, city, or "scope" (what kind of page). Click "province" and you'll soon find that there are, for example, 20 Web servers in Prince Edward Island.

Click again and find a list of them, ranging from the University of PEI to Anne of Green Gables Mercantile Inc., selling merchandise about everybody's favourite redhead (other than me, of course). Or you can find more about Anne by going to the PEI government home page and choosing "L. M. Montgomery and Anne". Amid a wealth of other links about Anne and Montgomery, her creator, on the "Lucy's Island" page is one called "Bibliographies", and that page shows a "preliminary bibliography" of Montgomery, published by the University of Waterloo library in 1986. Small world, isn't it?

Some things happening today

Just briefly:

The talk of the campus

Kelly Foley, vice-president (education) of the Federation of Students, is asking for input from students who have helped organize a WatPub -- or at least gone to one. (WatPubs? Social events in other cities, for co-op students off on their work terms and lonesome for Waterloo people to party with.) She's running a focus group for such people tonight; anyone interested can give her a call at ext. 2340 or e-mail kefoley@feds. . . .

The new Information Systems and Technology group, which includes the old computing services, data processing, and telephone services departments, is in search of a logo. Anyone can enter. Information is on an IST web page at http://fpg.uwaterloo.ca/logos/logo_contest.htm. . . .

The Professional Women's Association has changed its name to the Women's Association of UW. The group is now marking its 15th anniversary, providing networking and other services for women staff, faculty and students. Of course it's not to be confused with the old "UW Women's Club", and it occurs to me that I haven't heard of the women's club for years; does anyone know whether it's still in existence?

Chris Redmond -- credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004

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