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Tuesday, July 13, 1999

  • Corporate takeover delays CECS.online
  • Part-time studies session tonight
  • Co-op at the polar bear capital

Corporate takeover delays CECS.online

Co-operative education and career services' upgraded computer support system scheduled for partial implementation this fall will be delayed due to a corporate takeover.

Academic Software Inc. (ASI), which has been working for the past 18 months with the university's information systems and technology staff on the development of a new web-based system for co-op, has been purchased by Tribune Interactive, a subsidiary of the publishers of the Chicago Tribune.

According to CECS communications administrator Olaf Naese, Tribune Interactive was "...impressed by ASI's extensive connections to the education community, its work on the software being developed to drive CECS.online, and with the immense potential of this product for use in the employment market.

"Although CECS was hopeful a partial implementation of the new system could occur this fall, the takeover caused a holdup in work on the project at ASI's end to the point where this was not possible," he said. "However, on the bright side, additional resources will now be allocated to the CECS.online project. If all proceeds as well as is expected, the development should carry on through the fall 1999 term with a possible pilot run following the completion and testing of the modules.

"In the meantime CECS will continue to use the existing system, which has been working satisfactorily in the application and interview process."

The project team has, to date, created a series of modules for students, employers, and staff. Testing is currently underway on these components and the infrastructure behind them. Work still remains to be done on the employer web interface and one of the most complex and significant portions -- the scheduling of co-op interviews, said Naese.

Part-time studies session tonight

An information session for part-time students will be held tonight from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the part-time studies office, 156 Columbia Street. A session for new students will run from 7 to 7:30 p.m., and returning students are invited to drop by to pre-register for the fall term.

Students can pursue degrees on a part-time basis in the faculties of arts, environmental studies, math, science, and for a portion of applied health sciences requirements. A number of diplomas and certificate programs are offered on a part-time basis in the faculties of arts and applied health sciences, and part-time courses and programs are also offered through UW's four associated church colleges.

In addition to the part-time courses available during the daytime or evening, on and off campus, other part-time study options include distance education and continuing education courses, as well as graduate programs.

The part-time studies handbook for fall 1999 and winter 2000 is now available from distance and continuing education. For more information, phone the department at ext. 4002.

Co-op at the polar bear capital
-- by Amber Christie for the UW co-op and career services department

When Tom Arnold was surfing the net looking for a co-op job, he didn't end up on the beaches of California. Instead Tom and classmate Robin Stewart found themselves in the land of polar bears and northern lights at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre in Churchill, Manitoba.

Having just completed their 4A school term, the Centre was a dream come true for the two UW Environmental Studies students. Robin and Tom saw first-hand the wilderness and land structures that had been merely text book photographs before they arrived in the polar bear capital of the world to complete their final work term.

The Churchill Northern Studies Centre is a non-profit organization facilitating arctic research and education. Robin and Tom lived at the Centre where they received free room and board in return for their services.

Robin helped co-ordinate the elderhostel programs, as many of the guests are retired and come to the Centre to take courses. Both Robin and Tom conducted mini-lectures on the sub-arctic and led interpretative walks. A guest was so impressed with Tom's presentation that he offered Tom a job with his environmental consulting group upon graduation.

Robin also had a glimpse of life in her intended career. She found time to teach at the public school in Churchill and spent lunch hours working with the school's Science Club. Robin certainly had a wide range of responsibilities while in Churchill, but perhaps the most exciting was when she assisted the Centre's pilot return a borrowed helicopter to Yellowknife. During the 8 hour ride Robin said, "I was pressed up against the window, in awe of everything below me." Upon arrival in Yellowknife, they realized that all the hotels were booked. Robin had to take the last room in town available -- the Queen's Suite! The same room Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip stayed in during their visit to the N.W.T.

The two students may not have lived like royalty in their dorm-style rooms during their four-month sub-arctic adventure, but they had the time of their lives. Says Tom, "Churchill was one of the most beautiful places in the world, I never went anywhere without my camera."

Assistant Executive Director of the Centre, Harvey Lemelin, found Tom and Robin's adaptability, flexibility and joviality quite remarkable. Lemelin was incredibly impressed by Robin and Tom's strong work ethic and commitment. They were the first co-op students to volunteer at the Centre, but Lemelin will be accepting more co-op students in the future.

Robin and Tom gave a great deal to the Centre, and also to the people. Says Lemelin, "Robin and Tom's love of nature reminded some of us how fortunate we are to live here in this unique area of the world."

Barbara Elve

Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@uwaterloo.ca | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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